Ed Bishop e
Mike Billington
visitano il sito di ISOSHADO
Ed Bishop
and Mike Billington
the ISOSHADO website

Durante le loro recentissime visite in Italia, Ed Bishop e Michael Billington hanno voluto sottolineare il loro interesse per il sito Internet di ISOSHADO

During last Italian ISOSHADO convention, Ed Bishop and Michael Billington remarked their interest in the ISOSHADO website.
Eccoli fotografati mentre visitano le pagine WEB dell'Italian Section of Shado e mentre inviano un messaggio alla FAB-UFO list, la rete ufficiale degli appassionati della serie UFO!!!!!

Here are few images portraying Ed and Mike's visits to the webpages of the Italian Section Of SHADO.

In addiction, they sent a message to the FAB-UFO list, official UFO fans list!! Here are Mike and Ed writing their message to the list!


Il messaggio di Ed - Ed's message


Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 10:20:04 +0200

Subject: message from Ed Bishop!!!!!

I am sitting now in the top floor of Mr, Paolo Malaguti.s beautiful home and I feel I am back on the set of UFO over 30 years ago!  All over the =
walls and shelves are every conceiveable item relating to UFO - many of the items are original items that we actually used in the series.  =
Recording this historic event on a video recorder is Mr. Marco Raffa!  =
It is Mr. Raffa who designed and set of the Italian Website for UFO and he has done a wonderful job.  Look and you will agree.  I am so delighted to be in the company of such dedicated friends to the series. 
I send my best wishes to all my friends world wide and I hope many of you will make in to FANDERSON in Coventry in October.  I look forward to greeting you. 




Il messaggio di Michael - Mike's message


Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 11:42:54 +0200

Subject: message from Mike Billington-colonel Foster!!!!!!

Dear Friends,

I  am delighted to be here with some good friends and hospitable people. =
I hope to return again to Italy in the near future because I realise =
that the true love for the U.F.O series begins here!

To my world wide friends, keep watching the series.



In più, i nostri ospiti hanno voluto documentare per iscritto il loro apprezzamento per ISOSHADO e per la nostra attività su internet...

Our guests also wanted to externate their appreciation for ISOSHADO and our work on the internet...


...e c'è anche chi - Ed Bishop - si è divertito con noi!!

...Ed jokes with ISOSHADO staff: we are the aliens!!!

(traduzione: se vedete qualcuno di questi uomini, avvertite SHADO immediatamente: potrebbero essere alieni!!!)